

2018-01-23 翻吧君 翻吧

Child marriage is entrenched in Yemen, a symptom of crippling poverty and a deeply conservative culture. It's a traditional practice preserved in proverbs like, "Marry an 8-year-old girl, she's guaranteed" -- an assurance of a child's virginity. Today, more than two-thirds of Yemeni girls are married off before they reach 18, a staggering leap from half of all girls before the conflict.——She's only 12, but her father is already planning her wedding, CNN, Jan. 22, 2018.



“Ag Zn Na F Ga Hf Mg”“Re Sg Tc Au As Sc Ti”,这不仅是两组化学元素,还是一副对联。1月16日,南京林业大学家居与工业设计学院辅导员李雍在路过学生寝室时,发现一副用化学元素周期表里的元素符号拼成的对联贴在门两旁,感觉挺有趣。于是,随手拍下传到了网上,并被大量转发。——化学元素编春联 南林大理科生真有才,澎湃新闻,2018年1月22日

参考译文:Two lines of letters, Ag Zn Na F Ga Hf Mg and Re Sg Tc Au As Sc Ti not only represent chemical elements, but also are a pair of Spring Festival couplets, which were posted on the a student's dormitory doorframe at Nanjing Forestry University. These couplets went viral after Li Yong, mentoring teacher accidently saw and posted it online. ——University students composed Spring couplets of chemical elements, thepaper.com, Jan. 22, 2018

解析:在翻译成英文里,不必完成拘泥于中文的语序,而是要根据意思的主次以及关键词语来“重构”句子。“Ag Zn Na F Ga Hf Mg”“Re Sg Tc Au As Sc Ti”其实是春联的上联和下联,在外在形式上是two lines of letters, 另外“不仅是”和“还是”不是一个判断,而是“定义”,可以分别用represent和 are来作谓语,这样让句子更为灵活一些。"于是,随手拍下传到了网上,并被大量转发。"一句中,“(网上)被大量转发”可以直接用go viral来表示,而且是整个句子的重点。因此,用after引导的时间状语从句来突显出。



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